How would you like to ride in the 2010 World Equestrian Games?
Posted by Jennifer Karlen on Sunday, February 8th, 2009 at 9:13pm.

Let me give you a little background first:
You know how the Olympics is always kicked off by fire - with the carrying of the torch and lighting of the fire? The WEG is similar in that it has a basic element that kicks off its games, but its water. They use water from all of the prior WEGs as their promotional tool for kicking off the games. Water from all of the earlier events has been collected and it is then poured into a fountain at the next WEG location. Current plans are to have the container pour its contents into a fountain at the KY Horse Park. [As of yet, no one has been selected for the honor of the pouring in Kentucky.]
Now, back to how you potentially may be able to ride in the WEG:
The first lady is one of the board of directors for the World Games 2010 Foundation, and she has proposed that horse riders & equestrian enthusiasts from all of the 120 counties in Kentucky, bring water from their respective counties to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington KY. This would symbolize that the entire state would be hosting the games and be an important showing of support - even if some persons may not be equine enthusiasts or an owner of horse farms in Kentucky. The proposed event currently has the working title of The Great Kentucky Ride.
It must be noted that the first lady has stressed that it is a VERY tentative proposal and has not received approval as of yet - but she is optimistic, and it would prove to be a great representation of the friendliness of Kentucky toward our 4 legged friends and their owners.
So, there ya go - with a bit of luck, you might be able to get a chance to ride in the 2010 WEG. Lets keep our fingers crossed.