February 2009

There are 78 blog entries for February 2009.

horse-breeding-incentives_280I’m sure everyone is aware of the Kentucky Horse Breeders Incentives Fund.  Well, as with everything - if theres money involved, there are usually persons looking to get more than their fair share.  Kentucky regulators are now investigating the Walking Horse persons that received monies from the Horse Breeders fund.  The director of the fund has requested that the Kentucky Walking Horse Association provide letters of certification that they did not knowingly distribute monies to those persons that were trying to cheat the system to receive more money than they would have normally be entitled to.

One method of a “training” shortcut for the Walking Horse breed is to sore the horses feet/ankles/legs with caustic substances so that it provides a more


kentucky-horse-park_298This year marks the 30th anniversary that the Kentucky Horse Park began operations and welcomed its first visitors to the equine facility.  It was the first in the US and as such was uncharted territory for a new venture to attract persons to KY.  The Kentucky Horse Park has become a tremendous attraction for not only Kentucky and the entire Midwest - but for the world as well.  The horse park is booked through the end of 2010.  And is turns down the opportunity to host approximately 25 equestrian events a year.

In preparation for hosting the 2010 World Equestrian Games, there is currently an ongoing $63 expansion project which includes a $49 million 6000 person indoor arena, and a $24 million outdoor facility that will accommodate 8000-10000 persons.


stonerside_stables_paris_kentucky_horse_farm_359The Paris Kentucky farm, Stonerside Stables, has recently been purchased by a company called Darley, which is owned by Dubai ruler, Sheikh Mohammed.  The Paris horse farm was owned by the National Football League’s Houston Texans owner, Bob McNair.  Stonerside Stables has approximately 2000 acres and included in the purchase are approximately 80 horses that are currently in training at the farm, as well as 170 broodmares, yearlings and weanlings.

This is the next step of the Dubai ruler to acquire more of an interest in the horse and horse farm industry in Kentucky.  He acquired control of the Fasig-Tipton auction company in April of 2008.  The spokesman for the Sheikh has stated that there are no plans to make adustments to the horse farm operation and


walnut-way-horse-farm-extravaganza_300The Walnut Way Equine Extravaganza was held at Walnut Way farm in Shelby County KY at the end of June and was hosted by Marilyn Macfarlane (the farm owner).  For those that weren’t able to attend, the event enjoyed a crowd of approximately 100 attendees, and saw a variety of interesting equine performances which included traditional Arabian dress for both horse as well as the rider, young riders showing their equine prowess, barrel racing, tandem riding, western discipline, and gaited styles of riding (3, and 5 gait).

The show was done by the Walnut Wylde Wryders which are the horse farm’s youth members and is an annual event at the Shelby County horse farm and it is used as a fund raiser to raise money for charity.  Approximately $400 was raised from the


horse_farms_3_chimneys_298The winner of the 2008 Kentucky Derby, Big Brown, will be residing at a local Kentucky horse farm located in Midway KY called 3 Chimneys Farm.  That is certainly to draw some horse enthusiasts and spectators alike that want to get a closer look at the champion.

Three Chimneys Farm is no stranger to crowds though.  This Midway Kentucky veteran currently gets anywhere from 20 to 25 thousand visitors each year from various persons.  Tours to visit the horse farm are available several days each week - but by appointment only.  Tip:  Make reservations early.  Three Chimneys Farms can often be completely full for its tours for months.  If you would like to make reservations for a tour, you can call (859)-873-7053.

To give some background on the horse farm:  3


shelby-county-ky-horse-arena_298The proposed Shelbyville Kentucky horse arena located on Dover Road passed another hurdle for approval.  The local Shelbyville KY government entity Triple S Board of Adjustment & Appeals determined that there were 9 conditions to go with the conditional use permit for Rocky Fork Feeders to construct the arena.

The 9 conditions are:

1.  The facility will only be utilized by the Kentucky Cutting Horse Association & its affiliates.

2.  The horse arena will be used on weekends, and holidays only.  Hours are limited to 9 am through 9 pm each day.

3.  The proposed entrance to access the farm site must be relocated & approved by the Shelby County Road Department and comply with their requirements and specs.

4.  Any outdoor lighting at the facility must


family-fun-fest-at-kentucky-horse-park-200x300_300The KY Horse Park will be hosting Family Fun Fest Friday June 5 through Sunday June 8. Lots of activities for everyone which include door prize drawings, hands on learning experiences with horses, free trolley rides (for children 12 & under), a coloring contest, painting and decorating horseshoes, and more.

Be sure to come out and check out some of the fun at the Kentucky Horse Park. (Besides, it would be a good time to at least see some of the ongoing construction that is readying for the 2010 World Equestrian Games.)

The cost is $15 per adult, and its free for children 12 and under. For more information, call (859)-233-4303.


north-american-racing-academy_298Approximately one and a half years ago in September 2006, 11 pupils made up the first inaugural class of the North American Racing Academy.  On Sunday Tuesday May 20, 2008 8 of those 11 students took part in the High Hope Steeplechase fund raiser at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington.  It was their first “real” race, and the first step toward the jockeys beginning their careers as horse professionals.

The winner of the High Hope Steeplechase was a Lexington Kentucky native, Jessica Oldham Stith.  She comes from a long line of persons with jockey experience, including both of her parents (mother & father), as well as her grandfather.  She honored her family lineage by wearing her families colors on her silks for the race.  Congratulations Jessica and the


farms-bill_591The long awaited Farms Bill was approved in a overwhelming vote by the Senate.  This bill is a 5 year plan that President Bush has promised to veto.  However, the vote came back 318 in favor versus 106 against - which gives this farms bill the momentum and strength to override a veto by the President (the bill received more than 2/3 majority in favor of it).

The farms bill is now estimated at $289 billion over the course of 5 years.  And if enough farms continued to participate in the program, the cost could escalate to an estimated $700 billion over 10 years.  Critics point to the farms bill over burdening the American tax payer, while those in favor champion its cause as reinvesting in our heartland.

Approximately 2/3 of the cost in the 1st five years


woodford-county-ky-farms_100According to the April 17, 2008 edition of Versailles KY newspaper, The Woodford Sun, a Woodford County Kentucky farm commonly known as Sunny Slope Farm sold April 8 for $3.1 million.  Aiken Road Acquisition LLC bought the 168 acre farm that is located at 2870 Aiken Road from the Shipp Family who has owned the farm for 6 generations.  A little historical background on the farm, reveals that all the way back in the 1780s, Richard and Elizabeth Shipp acquired the place that was then known as The Old Fort Place.

Throughout its 200 year history, this Woodford County KY farm has been utilized for everything from growing of hemp, horse farms breeding, raising of cattle, tobacco farming, and even as a dairy farm.

Hopefully the new owners will cherish this