·  2010 World Equestrian Games  ·

Here you will find useful information regarding the upcoming 2010 World Equestrian Games (2010 WEG) to be held at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington Kentucky.  From WEG schedules, to ticket availability, and more - you will be able to find a wealth of information regarding the event.

I'll be seeing you there!

Here are some of our posts on the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games:

There are currently 23 blog entries related to this category.

world-games-2010-foundation_150According to the Lexington Herald Leader newspaper, the World Games 2010 Foundation, Inc. has selected Fortune Commercial Properties located in Lexington Kentucky as the official commercial real estate company for the 2010 WEG.

Their company will be providing 10,000 sq.ft. of warehousing space along with 6,000 sq.ft. of office space for the World Games 2010 Foundation - as well as an undisclosed financial contribution to the 2010 World Equestrian Games.

The use of this space is expected to be primarily for storage as well as an operations center for the projected approximately 6,000 WEG volunteers that will be there helping out during the event.

Congratulations to Fortune Commercial Properties for the honor and contributions to this equestrian event!


ky-horse-park_298Well, its official:  the proposed Kentucky Horse Park hotel is dead - at least for now.  For those that read the earlier Kentucky Horse Park Hotel article, you will recall the hotel was being funded primarily through the sale of bonds.  Those bonds needed to be sold before an April 15 2008 deadline, to ensure that the proposed KY horse park hotel would be completed in time for the 2010 World Equestrian Games.  [Officials at the horse park do NOT want any construction taking place at the horse park during the 2010 WEG.]

The bottom line: the bonds weren’t sold in time for the April 15th deadline, and as such the deal will not be allowed to proceed.

Kentucky horse park officials have stated that the proposed failed hotel deal should not have any impact on


ky-horse-park-hotel_150Just an update for those that have been following the proposed Kentucky Horse Park hotel:  According to the Finance and Administration Cabinet in Kentucky, no bonds have been sold for the proposed equestrian hotel.  And if the bonds aren’t sold by April 15, 2008, there will be insufficient time to get the hotel finished in time for the World Equestrian Games in 2010 to be held at the KY horse park.  [Park officials do not want construction going on at the facility while the 2010 WEG is going on.]

The person selling the bonds is Ryan Barrow, who is with the company Ross, Sinclaire.  He has stated that the current economy has made it somewhat more difficult to get the bonds sold to fund the hotel project.

And beyond just the financing aspect of the hotel


lexington-kentucky-farrier_164The Lexington Kentucky newspaper The Lexington Herald Leader wrote recently that the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games has selected a Lexington Kentucky group as the official farriers for the event.  The group selected was the American Farriers Association.

The association will begin providing their services at the Kentucky Horse Park approximately 2 weeks prior to the event starting, and through the closing day of the games (From September 11, 2010 through October 10, 2010).  In the 2 weeks prior to the games starting, 2 farriers will be on site assisting riders and their horses with their needs.  However, once the WEG actually starts, up to 6 farriers will be available and providing their services for the 16 day event.

Costs associated with


2010-weg-lexington-kentucky_409How would you like to ride in the 2010 World Equestrian Games? If the first lady of Kentucky, Jane Beshear, has her way, 120 lucky horse back riders could potentially get their chance.

Let me give you a little background first:

You know how the Olympics is always kicked off by fire - with the carrying of the torch and lighting of the fire? The WEG is similar in that it has a basic element that kicks off its games, but its water. They use water from all of the prior WEGs as their promotional tool for kicking off the games. Water from all of the earlier events has been collected and it is then poured into a fountain at the next WEG location. Current plans are to have the container pour its contents into a fountain at the KY Horse Park. [As of yet, no one


world-equestrian-games_217It was recently announced that in preparation for the 2010 World Equestrian Games to be held in Lexington Kentucky, that the organizers of the event are soliciting persons that speak multiple languages to help with the event. The 4 main languages expected for the event are: English, German, French, and Spanish

But a lot of the more less common languages are going to be needed to be able to communicate with competitors and even visitors that are coming to watch the event. Even if its a really obscure language that you know, it may be needed to help with the event. Competitors and spectators are coming from all over the world and there may be a need for your language expertise. Any help and assistance is greatly appreciated.

Additionally, the World Games


[Editor's note: I continue to receive feedback from persons visiting this Louisville & Lexington Kentucky Horse Farms For Sale website that they would like more information and stories regarding the Kentucky Horse Park, the World Equestrian Games in 2010, etc. - so I am continuing to write more articles regarding those topics.

If you have a topic of particular interest regarding horses, Kentucky horse farms for sale, or anything pertaining to the equestrian communities in KY - just let me know, and I will try to address your requests in upcoming stories of interest. Thanks!]

lexington-ky-horse-park_217The Lexington KY newspaper, the Lexington Herald-Leader published a story on February 21 2008 regarding more details for the proposed KY Horse Park Hotel. The topic of the feature


kentucky_horse_park_hotel_150The Courier-Journal newspaper reported a story regarding the Kentucky General Assembly, and the proposed Kentucky Horse Park Bond Plan calling for $118 million.

This plan essentially calls for private real estate developers to construct a luxury hotel located at the KY Horse Park, and while the government would not be required to pay for any of the debt, it is ultimately responsible because it owns the real estate on which the proposed development would reside.

The plan was approved by the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee on Tuesday February 19, 2008.

The estimates provided for the planned hotel are $88 million for the actual facility - with the remaining costs to be covered for debt service and interest carry for the project.

One of


shelby_county_kentucky_horse_farms_300The Shelbyville KY newspaper, The Sentinel-News reported in a story that John Long has been selected as the chairman for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games.

John Long is replacing Tandy Patrick who was serving as interim chairman. [Tandy Patrick shall continue to be an active member of the board for the WEG.]

Some background on John Long:

Became the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Churchill Downs in 1999.

Appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) in 2003.

The article went on to reiterate some of the relevant data expectations for the event to be held September 25, 2010 through October 10, 2010:

650,000 to 700,000 persons will attend the games

800+ athletes and 900 horses  from 60+


alltech_2010_weg_128It was reported in The Courier-Journal newspaper, that the Kentucky General Assembly is making efforts to ready the Kentucky Horse Park for the 2010 FEI Alltech World Equestrian Games, by making substantial road improvements to accommodate the tremendous number of visitors expected to attend the 16 day event.

On the table presently, is lobbying of political officials for $10.3 million to improve the roadways for ingress and eggress to the event.

And, I must say - it is much needed.

The Ky Horse Park is located just northwest of Lexington Kentucky, and incorporates the previous Walnut Hall stud standardbred farm into its facility.  And, a substantial portion of the old roadways used to service the original horse farms - are the exact same roadways that